Complementary Shaders 1.21.3 → 1.7

Complementary Shaders is a shader pack for Minecraft Java Edition that Improve detail, quality, and optimization. It includes many high-quality effects, two main visual styles, custom effects for nearly every block, and profiles that range from Potato to Ultra, all while ensuring smooth gameplay. Originally an edit of BSL Shaders in 2018, it has undergone numerous significant updates, including a complete overhaul to align with community standards. Complementary Shaders prioritizes user feedback and continues to receive regular updates.
“Reimagined” is one of the two main styles included in Complementary Shaders r5. It aims to maintain the distinct visual aspects of Minecraft while offering an enhanced vanilla experience. Discover more about the two styles here.
Choose Your Style
Complementary Shaders offers two unique visual styles. The main difference lies in their default settings. The Unbound style aims for a more realistic look, while the Reimagined style seeks to reinterpret Minecraft while keeping its distinct visuals. After downloading either style, you can customize everything to your liking. You can choose blocky clouds in the Unbound style or opt for realistic water in the Reimagined style. All settings can be found in Shader Options.
——————– Unbound Style —————————————- Reimagined Style —————-

New: You can just download the Complementary Installer and click Install to automatically do all the steps below.
– First you need to install either OptiFine or the Iris mod to be able to load shaderpacks. (Choose Iris if you are unsure)
– Then you need to launch the game, and get to the Shaderpacks/Shaders menu in Video Settings.
– Open the shaderpacks folder by clicking the button in the menu.
– Download Complementary Shaders and put it in the shaderpacks folder. (Please don’t unzip the file)
– Get back in the game, and choose Complementary in the shaderpacks menu. (Refresh the menu if it doesn’t appear)
Complementary UnboundComplementary Reimagined/su_spoiler]