GSit – Modern Sit (Seat and Chair), Lay and Crawl Plugin! –
This plugin allows you to sit in Minecraft in anything like stairs etc.. This is the ultimate Sit, Chair, and Lay – Plugin which allows you to sit on Stairs / Chairs!
Lay / Crawl on the Ground! This Plugin contains a lot of Settings and Functions that all can be changed by you in the Plugin-Config and the Language Files.
– Special Features –
100% customizable!
Very good performance
Sit on every Block with “/sit”
Crawl on the ground with “/crawl”
Lay or BellyFlop on every Block with “/lay” or “/bellyflop”
You can let laying Players snore without any Resource Pack!!
Simply rightclick on top of a Seat (Stair, Slab or Carpet) to sit there
Create your own custom List of Materials a Player can sit on!
Click on another Player to sit on him and stack up! (Must be enabled in the Config!)
GriefPrevention, PlotSquared & WorldGuard-Area-Support!
/lay (/glay) -> Lay on a Block
/bellyflop (/gbellyflop) -> BellyFlop on a Block
/spin (/gspin) -> Spin on a Block
/crawl (/gcrawl) -> Crawl on the ground/sit toggle/playertoggle -> Toggle the ability to rightclick Blocks or Players
/gsitreload (/gsitrl) -> Reload the Plugin
OP-Permission: GSit.*
Update-Notification-Permission: GSit.Update
Config-Reload-Permission: GSit.ReloadSit-Permissions (Default-Permissions marked Underlined):
GSit.Sit -> Use “/sit”
GSit.SitClick -> Click on a Block to sit down
GSit.SitToggle -> Use “/sit toggle”
GSit.PlayerSit -> Click on a Player to sit on him
GSit.PlayerSitToggle -> Use “/sit playertoggle”
GSit.Lay -> Use “/lay”
GSit.BellyFlop -> Use “/bellyflop”
GSit.Spin-> Use “/spin”
GSit.Crawl -> Use “/crawl”
GSit.Kick.* -> Combines “GSit.Kick.Sit & GSit.Kick.Pose”
GSit.Kick.Sit -> Kick a sitting Player from his location
GSit.Kick.Pose -> Kick a posing Player from his location
GSit.ByPass.* -> Combines “GSit.ByPass.World”
GSit.ByPass.World -> Ignore the WorldBlacklist
1.13.x,1.14.x, 1.15.x, 1.16.x, 1.17.x, 1.18.x, 1.19.x